Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Final Reflection-Advertisement Assignment

My goals that I had The past week in my internship was keeping the good work at my site I also achieve another goals that I have done in the week that I had in my internship and it was interacting well with other or co-worker. For the time I spent in my internship I have interact well with other and I also know how they altitude are( that means cool with everyone). To achieve this goal it took time to talk and communicate with other.
The thing that I learn this past week that I spent in the Saint Vincent Hospital, what I learn is doing an inventory project, filling paper (external & internal), I also learn my way around the hospital, this help me a lot even if I was shifting from department to department(another place to another). I know that is sad that the hospital is being close, but I know most of the most of the people that have been lade off unemployed because of the closure.
In the way as growing it help you build new skills and also learn new technique that may help you in the future. As always it help you understand the meaning of working in a hospital.
I starting internship next week , I would like to work in the hospital again because I would like to experience more major of a hospital like first I was working as a patient transport, then after the close the department I started working with my mentor Sis. Path,
There I did the inventory, after finishing and helping Sis Path I was sent to help the people at the Risk Management filing paper (important paper for the court). What really I would change is working in a different thing besides the ones I have done work already like explore more about a hospital.
My advice for the interns at the Saint Vincent Hospital would be:
-Have a good attitude toward other.
-Try to be on time.
-Be responsible for your work.
-Help other if they are in need
What I will miss about the Saint Vincent Hospital are the people who there I know that work there for many year, and also I will miss Sis. Path because she teach us a good lesson in the while we was working there as a volunteer.
I’m grateful and thankful for accepting me and my friend to volunteer in the Saint Vincent Hospital even if the struggled to get thing done on time. And I will always have Saint Vincent in my hearth. I will never forget the time I was a volunteer at the Saint Vincent, but I’m really happy volunteering in the hospital. It makes you have a lot of thoughts that may hel

Monday, May 3, 2010

Internship Vocabulary

"My mentor is my advisor, she teach me new skills for my future"
Advisor:a person or company responsible of providing advice.

“When I have to go to an interview I always have to dress appropriate for a first impression”
Appropriate: using something in the right circumstance.

Native Language: ACTITUD
“It’s better to use a good attitude at your site”
Attitude: the way you express you self towards other.

Native Language: COLEGA
“I have many colleague at my internship site”
Colleague: a person with you work with

Cover letter
“Manu people show they cover letter about the job they want”
Cover Letter: a letter send with a document or parcel to explain what it is.

Native Language: CompaƱero DE TRABAJO
“ The co-worker in the Saint Vincent Hospital are strong worker that don’t give up for nothing”
Co-worker: a fellow worker

Native Language: CRITICA
“Teachers criticize because the student don’t get the work done”
Criticism: the act of passing judgment to something

“Many students get discriminated because of how they talk”
Discrimination: an act of making fun of they race, color, religion etc.

Native Language: DEBER
“ I have a duty in my house to finish to clean the bedrooms”
Duty: something that one is expected or required to do, a legal obligation.

Native Language: EMPLEADO
“I’m a employee at the Saint Vincent Hospital”
Employee: a person who is employed by a company.

Native Language: EMPRESARIO
“My cousin is looking for a employee that have great skills on painting”
Employer: a company that employs people

Native Language: EVALUAR
“The teacher evaluate the student’s math quiz that they had on Friday”
Evaluate: to determine or set the value or amount

Native Language: EVALUACION
“We had a short evaluation for the math English”
Evaluation: an act or instance of evaluating.

Native Language: FLEXIBLE
“My friend arms are flexible”
Flexible: capable of being bent, without breaking.

Native Language: ACOSO
“Some guys when they see a girl they just harass her because of the way see look”
Harassment: to disturb persistently a person.

Native Language: INICIATIVA
“Take the initiative in making friends”
Initiative: an introductory step

Native Language: PRINCIPIANTE
“I was a novice when I started working in a salon"
Novice: a person who is new in a work

Native Language: PROACTIVO
“I have been proactive all time in all my classes”
Proactive: serving to prepare for or control an expected occurrence or situation.

Native Language: CALIFICACION
“My qualification in the classes was tremendous”
“He protected his argument with several qualifications.”
Qualification: a quality, accomplishment that fits a person for some function.

Native Language: RECOMENDACION
“My teachers recommended me to a college in California”
Recommendation: an act of recommending.

Native Language: REFERENCIA
“A library for a public reference”
Reference: an instance of referring.

Native Language: SEGURO
“I have a reliable information about what is going to happen in the new tomorrow”
Reliable: able to be depended on or trusted.

Native Language: SUELDO
“I get a salary of a hundred dollars at the end of the month”
Salary: a fixed payment made every month to an employee.

Native Language: TAREA
“My task for tomorrow is to finish my science paper”
Task: apiece of work to be done

Native Language: SALARIO
“I got a wage every day for the hour I made in my work”
Wages: a fixed regular payment for work

Friday, April 30, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Midpoint Reflection

Since the past few week it has been hard for the Saint Vincent Hospital and for the people who work there. It's have been a lot of changes in the hospital. Since they have to close people are doing what they cant to keep the hospital fuctioning like having meetings and other stuff . I have been a while working as a volunteer in the Saint Vincent adn I know all the staff in Patient Transported , the co-worker who I use to work with they were very nice with me and my partner and I'm very sorry for them becuase they have been working for many years and know they have to find a new job because of the closure of the hospital.

Is really sad seing people cry because of not seeing they friends and working with them anymore. As know the department os Patinet Transported have been close I know work whit my mentor Sis. Path , as working with her I learn how to do an Invertory ( a complete list of items or a quantity of goods in stock) in the office putting away stuffs. This inventory has help me becuse I never done one before and is better to know now that to dont know nothing, is better to know about how to do an inventory becasue most of the job they have to do an inventory to see what new to put an old to.

My relationship with my mentor is great, fine , no problems with it at all and so is with the other co-workers. The challenges for me is to say goodbye to the people I work with i just dont know how to say it it's sad for me to do that.
As i finish intership I have time to do my homework I could just stay late to finish it, my goals for the week that I have left for internship is to keep doing the good work as my internship is finish.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Four week @ Saint Vincent

The place I work on at the Saint Vincent , I work as a Patient Transporter, transporting people to the lobby (discharging people) to go home when their are ready. My task is arriving early at work, call after finishing a patient and go to my supervisor when finish my hours to sing my hours sheet paper. What I enjoy about my internship Is seeing people that they enjoy they job and I also enjoy transporting people is fun and I discover new part of the hospital , finding a new way in the elevetor.
Each day, when going to my internship I leave school about like 11:20 and it takes likef one hours to get to my internship, when finishing at 4:00 I arive at home like 5:30, at my internship I work from 1:00 to 4:00 o clock at the days I have to go to my internship. The time who sing my time card is Sis. Path she's my mentor.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

My First Two Weeks @ Saint Vincent

At first when I arrive a met my mentor her name is Sis.Pat( she's a nun). She is very nice and a smart person. She is the Head Volunteer.
In the ST. Vincent I work as a Patient Transported. I discharge patients for them to go home. To be a patient transported is medium( not hard) because you have to learn the building and know the elevator that could carry you where you are going. As a Patient transported I carry patients in a wheelchair to the lobby ( main entrance) so the guardian could pick them up.

As starting this job is was hard because I thought that everyone at the hospital well be busy and we will be starting the job by not knowing the place very well, but it wasn't they gave me a tutor to show me the hospital.

Ms. Cheryl is the person who supervise us , she very nice with people and he also help us to get alone and to know the people in the department. The challenges that I had was finding a way to make friends in the hospital.

I like to work in the hospital and working in a hospital is my dream; also doing the job is great and I like what i'm doing.